


Get your staff excited and ready to participate in implementing the arts plan 


展示即使是短暂的艺术创作经历也能让人们为学习热身,并支持重要的学生习惯,如创造力, 沟通与协作.

Here are two sample activities to use when introducing your staff to the Arts Plan.  都来自书中,《正规买足球的App》 佩吉·泰勒和查理·墨菲.  This is the book provided to each arts team at their Fall Arts Team Launch Meeting.


Here is another theatre arts integration lesson developed by Gail Sehlhorst
戏剧与文学艺术的融合 Dynamic Understandings Lesson Plan


这是一个简单的, 在向员工介绍艺术计划之前,你可以在员工会议上使用有趣的戏剧活动.  这是从书中摘录的,《正规买足球的App》 佩吉·泰勒和查理·墨菲.  This is the book provided to each arts team at their Fall Arts Team Launch Meetings. 从205-209页 抓住火.


Book cover with title "抓住火" with a colorful hand and sun.

材料:各种简单的物体,每组一个.  例如,棍子,水瓶,魔笔.


  1. Ask people to form circles of eight to twelve, with one leader in each group.  This is a go-around game, so each person will have a chance to play in sequence.
  2. 领导(A)拿着棍子(或其他物体)说, “这不是一根棍子, it is a [fill in the blank with another made-up object – a microphone, 例如].  然后,他们演示使用操纵杆作为麦克风,做出适当的动作和声音效果.
  3. The leader then passes the stick to the person on their left (B).
  4. B重复领导的演示,尽可能准确地模仿他们的动作和声音,同时说, “这不是麦克风.然后他们给了棍子另一个身份, 说, “这是一个[填空-说, 然后,一把会移动并发出声音的剪刀将剪刀棒传给他们左边的人.继续绕着圆转.


鼓励玩家使用夸张的动作和声音来展示他们的目标.  把身体和声音投入到行动中可以帮助人们摆脱自我意识.  Ask participants to copy the person before them as accurately as possible.  如果参与者告诉你他们所有的想法都被采纳了, 提醒他们,棍子可以是任何东西,不受其实际大小和形状的限制.  There is only one criteria: you can’t repeat anything that has already been done.

Here is another theatre arts integration lesson developed by Gail Sehlhorst
戏剧与文学艺术的融合 Dynamic Understandings Lesson Plan


纪律 : Theatre-Literacy Integration (can be modified for other content areas)
年级(s) : K-12(适用于K-2)
长度 : 30-60分钟


: The central understandings that have lasting value beyond the classroom. 艺术是一种交流的手段.
至关重要的问题 : A provocative question that fosters inquiry, understanding, and transfer of learning. How and why do artists work together to make choices to create a dramatic work?

: 我想让我的学生知道并能够做到的.

  • Create a dynamic presentation that represents key ideas in a section 的文本.
  • Present essential words and phrases with a beginning/ending freeze; at least one choral word/phrase; and at least one sound effect.


  • Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
  • Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

华盛顿州K-12 ELA学习标准:

  • ccs.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.1: Read closely to determine what 文本 says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from 文本.
  • ccs.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.LS.1:准备并有效参与与不同合作伙伴的一系列对话和合作, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively


  • 剧场:观众, 体型, 对话, 情感, 面部表情, 手势, 物理的选择, 表, 声音的选择
  • 识字:性格,证据,推理
  • 21世纪技能:协作、沟通




• This assessment should be adapted as necessary to meet the needs outlined in an
• Additional adult support for students with special needs, e.g. 英语学习者,
reading below grade level, physical or developmental challenges
• Partner/group non-speaking students or English language learners with more verbal
students, and/or struggling or reluctant students with more experienced students

• Give students time to read 文本 individually, make notes/annotate.


• Explain the criteria for the activity—what students create to show understanding. 帖子
criteria on wall or Power Point so students can refer to it as they work.
− Read 文本 before and after scene to help the audience understand and interpret
• Model the activity: Show students what the final product might look like using a




• Give a “unified clap” so all groups get the same appreciation and the scenes move


− What’s your take away from participating and watching 文本 brought to life?


This visual art activity helps people find their flow with visual arts.  它来自于一本书, 《正规买足球的App》 佩吉·泰勒和查理·墨菲.  This is the book provided to each arts team at the Fall Arts Team Launch Meetings. 从第172-173页抓住火.

材料: 18″x24″纸,蜡笔,油彩或马克笔


  1. Break into small groups of six or eight people sitting around a table.  给每人一张空白纸, 然后放上油彩, 蜡笔或记号笔放在桌子中央.
  2. 让参与者闭上眼睛,想象他们感到快乐和有创造力的时刻.  Have them begin drawing an image that represents that feeling.  一旦开始绘图,请每个人暂停.
  3. 下一条指令的开头是这样说的, “What I’m going to ask you to do next may make you feel uncomfortable, 但无论如何,请接受它.” Then ask people to pass their picture to the person on their left.  Now everyone gets to add images to the new picture just received,  一两分钟后叫了出来, “把照片传到左边.”
  4. 让人们想象他们正在给每幅画的创作者一份礼物,因为他们给每幅画添加了新的图像.  Invite them to use words as well as images, but with a focus on images.
  5. 一旦照片绕着圆圈转了一圈, 每个人都做一些最后的润色, 然后看着他们的照片,加上一个简短的标题.This activity release a lot of creative energy and generates a good deal of delight.  The groups have fun talking about the process and comparing their pictures.  Of course, the real learning has to do with freeing the voice through the arts. (See this research study on how drawing impacts writing skills.)


提前将艺术图则分发给所有员工,并要求每个人提前阅读.  也要把计划的复印件带到会议上,供与会者在谈话中回顾.

Introduce the Arts Team members, including the Arts Team Lead.  艺术团队的成员或更大的教师大声朗读学校艺术愿景的元素吗. 然后让参与者了解学校艺术计划及其主要举措或目标.

促进下面的重点对话, 选择一些最适合你情况的问题.


  • When you review the plan, what words or phrases stand out for you?  [Go around the room and have everyone answer this first question.]
  • Are there any questions about the elements of the School Arts Vision?
  • 你的目标是什么?
  • 在计划的步骤中,是什么吸引了你的注意?
  • 谁是实施计划的关键人物?


  • 是什么让你对这个计划感到兴奋呢?
  • As we look at the goals of the plan, what will be the easiest for us to do?
  • 完成哪个任务更具挑战性?


  • 家庭成员对“艺术远景”及“艺术计划”的哪些元素反应最积极?
  • If our school could accomplish only one thing this year, what would it be?
  • What insights are you having about how we can accomplish this?
  • 在未来的两年里,我们可以利用什么优势或资源来建设我们学校的艺术?



  • 作为一名员工,我们首先需要采取哪些步骤?
  • 需要提供甚么支援,协助教职员推行艺术计划?
  • 什么样的结构(委员会或预定的签到点)将帮助我们沟通并保持与艺术计划的轨道? (理想情况下, 每个艺术计划目标都已经有一个确定的人来引导工作向前发展. 考虑让这个人宣布你的目标, 描述他们对此的兴奋之情, 招募志愿者和他们一起工作. 记录下新志愿者的名字.] 
  • 我们可以向谁寻求帮助和支持?
  • 我们每个人首先需要做什么?


在与所有与会者共享的后续电子邮件或会议纪要中的笔记中, 重述对决策级问题的回答,提醒每个人工作组的任务和指出的人.

Tips and Speaking Points for Introducing the School Arts Plan


  • 在计划完成后立即召开全体员工会议.
  • 获得临界质量是发展支持和以可持续的方式推进计划的关键. 因此, 当你和全体员工在一起的时候,找一个时间分享关于学校艺术计划的信息是很重要的.
  • 为员工提供初步的艺术体验(例如PAL Catalyst Workshop模块的艺术活动之一). 然后让员工汇报或集体反思经验,这样活动的价值就变得清晰起来.
  • 让每个美术团队成员(美术计划目标的关键人物)简要介绍他们将要做什么. 演讲结束后, 从员工中征求志愿者来帮助每个领域或项目,以便为每个目标建立一个小委员会(见决策问题)。.
  • 创造动力,使计划成为常识;
  • 创建一个艺术团队成员的展示, 照片, bios, 以及他们在催化剂工作室制作的一些艺术品.
  • 将你的艺术计划纳入年级水平或学校改进计划专业学习社区. 考虑要求每个年级的学生提出他们在这一年里在艺术方面的承诺,并要求适当的专业发展来支持他们的承诺.
  • 每季度或三个月引入一个动作步骤.
  • 把计划分成小块展开. 也许一次只专注于一个目标. Do something well rather than spinning your wheels on too many initiatives.
  • 在每次员工会议上安排一次艺术体验. Or have a meeting that focuses on the arts at least three times a year.
  • 摘容易摘的果子. 已经发生了什么? How can you take the next step in an area or program that already exists?


  • Acknowledge that it will take time and not everyone will initially embrace the work. It may be that not everything in the plan gets done in the first two years.
  • Know that it’s a constant juggling act, with all of the priorities Principals have.
  • 定期提醒教职员艺术教育和学校艺术计划是优先事项, 使工作人员保持意识和承诺.
  • 鼓励大家一起工作, 以及做每个人都能做的事情, 所以总的来说, the school can ensure that the important work is completed or advanced.